Implementing God's Dreams  Strategic Plan - 2019 to 2023

Four Goals of the Strategic Plan

  • Foster Community Outreach and Partnerships
  • Build a community of Faith for Generations To Come
  • Become a Multi-generational and Diverse Community of Faith
  • Promote Leadership Development

Next Step!

Circle Gatherings to Implement God's Dreams

We will be gathering a number of different “sharing circle” groups to listen to your ideas about how we might live out God's dream for our church. 

Here is the next date for the gathering. Sign up via the connection card.

  • Wednesday October 2nd 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

The circle process is a long-established means for groups to use to discern direction, listen to needs, and to experience the life-giving presence of the Holy. 

For the circle process to work well, it requires facilitation that is not driven by an agenda or desired outcome. Openness to any number of outcomes is required. In this sense the facilitation of the circle process does not embody “leadership” but, rather, one of listening, affirmation, and engagement of others. This is how we will implement the strategic plan. 

Love Into Action

We believe that the best understanding of our beliefs is found in how we strive to live. What follows are the most important aspects of our theology that informs our common practice and life together.

  • The Grace of God

    The defining characteristic of God is an active love that reaches out to us before we are even aware of it. As Jesus took the initiative to invite people to follow him, so God takes the initiative in our lives.


    Baptism and Holy Communion are the two sacraments of the United Methodist Church. Sacraments are practices that connect us to the mystery of God's love and grace. Scroll down for more information.


    Methodism is sometimes called a "both/and" church: we talk about faith and works, body and spirit, peace and justice, personal holiness and social holiness. It is foundational to our underlying theological methodology: relying on scripture, tradition, experience, and reason.


    Jesus came proclaiming the Kingdom of God. What he meant was shown in his actions of inclusion, forgiveness, reorientation, healing, and feeding. As we participate in his kingdom, we likewise care for the whole person as we seek to address the social concerns of our times.


    Salvation is not simply a "ticket to heaven"; it is a progress of growth. Our goal is to become people who love God and our neighbor as ourselves. We follow the Holy Spirit as we learn to become conformed to Christ.


    Jesus' practice was radical hospitality. He welcomed women and men, saints and sinners, rich and poor, children and adults, immigrants and resident. We therefore believe that noone is outside the grace of God.

Sunday Mornings

We welcome all to join us! 

We have two services: 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.  

Coffee and fellowship follow each service.

The nursery is available for children at the 10:00 a.m. service year-round. 

There is also Sunday School for children pre-K through 5th grade during the 10:00 a.m. service. 

On the first Sunday of every month, the kids remain in the sanctuary with their families. Activities are provided for them to work on at their seat.

Our address is:

5339 Browns Point Blvd NE

Tacoma, WA 98422

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