Young People

Young people of all ages are important in the life of Browns Point UMC! We believe kids are full members of our faith community and they are always welcome in worship services! 

We offer:

  • Nursery for babies and young children, 
  • Sunday School for children in pre-K through 8th grade, 
  • Youth group for middle school and high school students. 
  • Young people of all ages are always welcome in worship, too!! 

Please scroll down to see the Youth Group News, mission trips and Safe Church Policy

Nursery Care

  • Nursery Care is available during the 10:00 a.m. service for infants and young children and is located downstairs in the church.  
  • It is staffed by an adult Nursery Coordinator and one other paid young person and are trained in CPR and other health and safety policies. 
  • Preschoolers have the option of attending Sunday school class during the 10:00 service or staying in the nursery. 
  • Parents fill out an information sheet provided by the Nursery staff at their first visit and each week parents must sign children in and out. 

Children's Time and Sunday School

The kids love Children's Time with Rev Katie during the 10:00 service. She teaches them God's word through story books and fun conversation. 

After Children's Time, the children attend Sunday School classes for pre-K through 8th grade. On the first Sunday of the month, there is no Sunday School. Children are invited to remain in worship and participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Activities such as a children's bulletin is provided. 

The kids also delight in 'Change for Children' and we use it as a method to teach them about helping others. On the second and fourth Sunday of each month, they collect coins and bills during worship from the congregation. Each year they discuss and vote on what mission organizations they would like to support with 'their money'. 

The Heifer Project - $350.00

My Sisters Pantry - $117.00

UMCOR - $350.00

FISH Food Bank - $117

Imagine No Malaria - $233

Illustrated Children's Ministry

How to talk to children about horrific events happening in our country and world. 

Whether it's your kids asking questions at bedtime, parents in your congregation asking for ideas from you, or just kids in your ministry that are wanting to talk, sometimes it's hard to know where to start when the news is filled with so much tragedy and sadness. Here are a few links below that might be helpful as you navigate these difficult, but necessary, conversations with children. Go to the link and then type the corresponding subject into the search section. -- Talking to Children About Tragedies & Other News Events -- How to Talk to Your Kids About Scary Situations -- Discussing Hate and Violence with Children -- Books for Littles Facebook Group has a list of children's books that are helpful in times like these

Youth Group News

Youth Group News

Summer break! We will be back together in the fall



Summer Mission Trip

Due to the pandemic, this summer’s mission trip has been canceled. We are sad to be unable to participate but agree with SSP’s decision to cancel for the safety of our youth and the community. Youth Group is grateful for the congregation’s generous support.

Donations will be applied toward Mission Trip 2021. 


YOUTH GROUP is open to all young people in 6th -12th grades. Friends are welcomed. We focus on learning about God, having fun and serving in our community. The youth group meets typically after church at 11:15 a.m.-1:00 p.m. with lunch provided

  • FUN EVENTS: games, kickball, movies, mini-golf
  • Volunteering at the Fish Food Bank and My Sister's Pantry
  • Mission Trips

Youth Group Mission Trip - 2019

The youth were eager to volunteer with the Sierra Service Project again this year. They traveled to an American Native reservation in Oregon where they repaired and built things the residents couldn't afford or did not have the skills to do.

One of the youth said "the last time they did this (2018) it was a life changing experience". Another youth liked that she got out of her comfort zone and tried new things such as taking apart a fence and rebuilding it. And one of the most important experiences was the awareness that ALL the kids were connected to each other - no cliques, no one left out, they didn't feel trapped in one group - they all "had a place at the table". 

When not working, they played lots of cards, games, danced, and sang. A Spirit Walk activity led them to learn more about theirselves. A paper plate was taped to each of their backs and as they walked around, the kids would write on the plates what they liked about them. 

A lasting comment from one of the youth impacted all the church audience as they shared their experience. "God is most present in our relationships with people. When we lay down our guard, we see who we really are. Love is the idea that Christ lived and died for us. This week God brought love to all the us."

Youth Group Local Missions - 2018

For 2018 Summer Missions, the youth group worked with Paint Tacoma plus the Summer Lunch Program!

The week was a full one for sure! Along with Pastor Katie, boundless energized Tina Anton and super painter Steve Lien, the youth group painted a house for Paint Tacoma from Associated Ministries. The house was a single story house in Tacoma for a single mother and her children. It was fulfilling work and challenging with 90 degree heat at times. Every Day when we return from the worksite, enjoy a popsicle and share about the day's progress.  

On Tuesday and Thursday of that same week the youth made, packed and served lunches for the summer lunch program. Afterwards they picked up their brushes again and returned to painting. 

It was a very full and productive week.

Youth Group Mission Trip - 2017

Mission trips are one of the most memorable experiences for our growing youth. The youth take responsibility every step of the way - from fund raising, planning and organizing the trip, working the mission, sharing with the congregation the impact it had on their lives and even writing thank you notes to fund contributors.

This trip started in September 2016 when the youth group held a fundraiser at the Annual All Church Picnic. That fundraiser allowed them to reserve their spots for 2017. Later in 2017, Sharon Meeds made and donated for auction a beautiful quilt. The winning bid was $325. Many people in the congregation made personal donations as well.

Dylan Smith, Brett Anton, Madilyn Murphey and Jonathan Giese along with chaperones Heidi Smith and Tina Anton worked for a week at the Sierra Service Project in Spokane, Wa. The Sierra Service Project works with Native American Reservations to help restore houses: painting, building decks or wheel chair ramps, repair roofs, laying linoleum and putting up dry wall. They also got an opportunity to grow in their Christian faith and learn more about Native American history and culture.

Safe Church Policy

Browns Point UMC has a Safe Church policy. We require our Pastor, Youth leaders, Sunday school teachers, paid staff, and anyone who volunteers with our youth to take a Safety Awareness quiz and require a National  Background check. Providing Safe Sanctuary is the goal of all of our ministry settings. These policies and procedures are aimed at ensuring children, youth and vulnerable adults are kept safe from abuse while they participate in the life of the church in its many settings. First adopted in 1997, we continue to affirm that we, as a Church, are accountable in our call to offer protection, hospitality and to provide a safe environment to all. Our Book of Discipline defines this ((¶ 162.C).

If you have questions, or you would like to read our Safe Church policy (it's available in the church office) or would like more discussion, please contact Sharon Meeds ( or 253.334.5248) who is our Church Safety Advocate.