Church Relaunch
We have been directed by our Bishop to prepare a plan for the re-launch/re-opening of our church. This plan must be submitted to and approved by our District Superintendent before we can proceed. Pastor Katie has asked Lay Leader Al Meeds to lead a small committee to accomplish this task.
The plan must be complete and include logistics for worship, building use, office management and congregational confidence. All of these areas are being worked on at this time and it will be the committee's task to bring them all together into one cohesive plan. If you have suggestions for this committee, please send them to Al Meeds at
Thank you.
Your Pig on Mission
- It's That Time!!!!!!!!!
Our Missionary Pigs can come home!
Our deadline (just a wee bit extended) is June 28.
Well, not exactly -- we need you to keep your friendly little pig until we can all get back into the building again. BUT -- we also need to move ahead so we can share our gifts with our two groups - UMCOR (the general fund) and My Sister's Pantry.
It would be helpful if checks flying in, sans pigs, were marked Lenten Mission as that is how we have recorded these piggy-bank checks to date. Then the total designated for Lenten Mission can be halved into the two groups.
And as always, it would be great if folks wrote a separate check for their Lenten Mission offering rather than combining it with their regular giving!
We know it's fun to put your pocket change into the pigs, but we to ask you to please use a check. (you could save your change for next year).
Youth Summer Mission Trip
Due to the pandemic, this summer’s mission trip has been canceled. We are sad to be unable to participate but agree with SSP’s decision to cancel for the safety of our youth and the community. Youth Group is grateful for the congregation’s generous support.
Donations will be applied toward Mission Trip 2021.
Bishop's COVID-19 Notice #6, May 13, 2020
As bishop of the Greater Northwest Area of The United Methodist Church, I am extending the suspension of in-person worship in United Methodist Churches and other ministries and the closure of church facilities to all but essential services throughout the Alaska, Oregon-Idaho and Pacific Northwest Conferences through June 15, 2020. This early in the phased reopening process, data on the spread of the virus is inconsistent and inconclusive. This date allows two more 14-day periods during which to assess whether COVID-19 cases are declining or increasing. Our churches will be on the leading edge of protecting public health, but not be on the leading edge of reopening at the risk of increasing exposures, infections and deaths.
Yes, There will be an All-Church Baby Shower for Rev. Katie, Nathan and Kahlan!
Kahlan is a 9-pound baby! If you've been waiting and waiting and waiting to give your gift and are pretty sure that she'll be in pre-school before we can meet again, we have the answer!!!
Bring your baby gift for Kahlan by the church on Thursday mornings (10am - 1pm) and it will get put into the office for Nathan or Katie to come and retrieve. (of course, if you have church keys you can leave it in the office when it's convenient for you). We thought this would be a way for Katie and Nathan to get the wonderful things we have for them for Kahlan and not have to keep waiting. (I guess I should mention that Kahlan is a Muggle - and Kahlan's mom loves Hermoine!).
The Youth Group is still sponsoring the Shower and our Care Team will provide cake.
The date is yet to be determined, but the time may be after 2nd Service -- but we wanted to let everybody know that there is a shower planned.
The "star" of the shower will not be putting in an appearance - but her co-stars (at least Mom) will be there. (The second co-star will most likely have to stay home with the star -- you know how some stars can be such divas!)
They are on Amazon, so if you go to the registry, please sign in with your Amazon Smile (especially if you have BPUMC as your Smile partner!). You can also look under "Registry" & then Baby Registry, put in Katie's name and city/state.
They have many things listed - join together with your group & get some wonderful items.
Our leadership has decided to close BPUMC through the end of April. We'll support that abundantly cautious move by postponing our cantata preparation until further notice.
I'll miss you all. Please take all preventative measures you can!
NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition News
During this pandemic, I'm calling all my fellow friends and community members to ACTION. I want to encourage each of you to find a way to help your community in whatever capacity works for you.
Here is one way to help the NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition support families in the Northeast Tacoma area...
1. Donate non-perishable food items and meat for us to distribute to local families in partnership with our local food bank and schools. Donations will be accepted Friday March 27 from 11am - 4pm at the Browns Point United Methodist Church 5339 Browns Point Blvd, Tacoma 98422. Families can shop at this food pantry from 4:30pm - 6:00pm Friday March 27.
2. Make a financial donation to the NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition (donations are received through Browns Point PTA which is a 501(c)(3)). This is the quickest way for you to support our efforts. The Coalition can then use funds to purchase food supplies and other basic needs support to serve our families.
3. Ship food to the Coalition via our Amazon Wish List. Food will be shipped to a residential address so we can continue to receive donations during this time. However, please keep in mind that many of items we collect are out of stock. If you are unable to purchase food from our Amazon Wish List, consider making a financial donation.
We are so grateful for our NE Tacoma community and the many ways you support our local students and families. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Lenten Study Is postponed until further notice.
Lifetime Learners Luncheon - Watch for Updates
The guest speaker will be Dr. Joel Baker, Director, UW Puget Sound Institute and Science Director, Center for Urban Waters. Get this date on your calendar now so you can add to your life learning something new!
Care Team is looking for a few more and maybe new members!
These great people help provide meals to members who may have
had surgery, may be recuperating or may just need help. They provide transportation to appointments and help in so many other ways. Even if you could help 1 or 2 times a month or whatever works with your schedule, please think about helping. We don’t want to burn them out. See Carol Novotney about how you could help.
Fellowship Team Hospitality
This is an important part of our church and the Fellowship Team is an important part of that hospitality. The Fellowship Team consists of six teams of four or five persons or couples that provide coffee hour each twice a year. It involves making the coffee, setting out supplies, providing a snack, and tidying up. The snack can be as simple or as elaborate as brings YOU joy. Some people like to bake (some don’t). Some people love Costco (well who doesn’t). Cookies are fine! Would you like to join in the fun? There are openings on ALL of the teams. If you’re interested, contact Carey Morrill, Fellowship Team Leader at 253-202-5871 or mark your Connection Card.
A simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop this holiday season. The added bonus is Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to our church! Questions about how to set that up, please contact Rev. Katie. and then shop!